Media & Coverage
01 Dec 2020
Vandana Nair, Senior Advisor for Strategic Investment and Youth, writes about how COVID-19 has exacerbated gender-based discrimination against adolescent girls

A survey conducted by the Centre for Catalyzing Change (C3) among 7,200 adolescents from four states, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Bihar and Odisha, gave further insight into these very barriers. Conducted in two rounds in the months of April, July and August 2020, it delved into four overarching topics: adolescents’ awareness of COVID-19 symptoms and prevention, adolescents’ access to basic health services and education during the lockdown, and how much agency adolescents can exercise or how vulnerable they are while being confined to their homes during this period. 

One of the most prominent findings of the survey is the significant gender-based discrimination that adolescent girls are experiencing during this time. Historical evidence shows us that during instances of disasters or calamities, it is often young girls who become most vulnerable to negative consequences, and COVID-19 has been no different. 

Read the full article here: