Sushila Devi won the election of Gram Panchayat for the post of ward member from reserved seat. She can’t read and write but she is very passionate about her work.
One of the community member Kiran Devi from her ward stated that “Didi please ask ANM to visit our village so that we should not suffer in scorching sun to visit Kosut for health check-up / immunization especially during pregnancy.
She met with the ANM and asked her to visit Chakmohbali. However, ANM stated that without MOIC’s permission she can’t do anything. She conducted a meeting with all the community members, drafted an application (with the help of community members) “requesting for ANM’s visit to AWC in Chakmohbali village” duly signed by the community members and submitted it to the MOIC. Now, she awaits a positive result.